By switching to electronic nurse charting, triage notes, and orders, the ED at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, saved $60,000 in a single year, according to Rosemary Brindle, RN, MSN, TNCC, director of emergency care services.
ED nurses at Carondelet St Marys Hospital in Tucson, AZ, did the right thing when caring for a woman with cough and chills: They suspected tuberculosis (TB) and put her into isolation.
A man comes to your ED reporting a head injury, and there are no visible signs of trauma.
Look around your waiting room, and youll be sure to spot at least one coughing, sneezing flu patient. If you dont take steps to prevent it, this individual can single-handedly create a disaster in your ED by spreading the disease to staff and other patients.
Researchers studying condom use among men enlisted in the U.S. Navy found that strategies promoting condom use in foreign parts appear to be working effectively, although more intervention efforts are needed in home ports. Condom use with steady partners varied from 7% to 13%; condom use with casual partners at home varied from 39% to 46%; and condom use with casual partners in a foreign port varied from 52% to 69%.
The ending to a highly charged political year that brought a few ups and many downs to AIDS funding and policy still leaves a major question unresolved: How can AIDS groups convince the public and legislators the domestic epidemic remains potent?
Part I of this two-part series on stroke covered the differential diagnosis, risk factors, and prevention of stroke. This second and final part in the series will focus on the physical examination, laboratory investigations, imaging, and treatment of stroke.
The NIH has halted the estrogen-alone wing of the Womens Health Initiative a year before its scheduled end.